Dr Tapas Ray Chaudhury
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
No Stenting - No Bypass – Only Medicine
​There are many patients who are unwilling to undergo any invasive procedure like Stenting or bypass surgery. Some of them also have previous allergy to dye or over 80 years of age or have some malignancy in remission.
I have nearly 700 such patients in my clinic who are doing well using drugs alone. The main treatment plan for them are as follows:
Control of Diabetes and high blood pressure.
Cessation of Smoking completely
Drugs like Nitroglycerine, Beta blockers, Caicium channel blockers, Angiotensin inhibitors and Anti Platelet drugs to prevent clots inside Heart blood vessels.

They can also use new generation of medicines like Ranollazine, Valsartan which prevents narrowing of Coronary arteries.
If there is element of Heart failure then they are put in to fluid restriction, Diuretics to increase urine output and a group of drugs collectively called ARNI.
This is only applicable to patients with multiple blockages but none should have more than 75% narrowing.