Dr Tapas Ray Chaudhury
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr Tapas Raychaudhury is the most experienced heart surgeon in Eastern India with a success rate over 99.7 %.
He is the Director of Heart Surgery at Fortis Hospital, Anandapur, Kolkata and specializes in LIMA:RIMA Bypass Surgery and Mini-Bypass surgery.

​Trained in UK and Australia, Dr. Tapas Raychaudhury is the first surgeon to perform 75 consecutive multi-vessel Bypass surgery in Kolkata between 1984 and 1986. He then built B.M. Birla Heart Hospital as its first Project Director. In February 1996, he performed the first Beating Heart Bypass surgery in Eastern India and in the same year he performed the first Mini-Bypass Surgery in Kolkata through a small 4 inch cut in the left side of the chest.
​From 2002 onwards, this pioneer bypass surgeon, along with his team members have performed over 11,000 Bypass surgeries for low and middle income group at an affordable mean cost of only Rs 65,000 with 99% success.
Currently, he is performing many bypass and valve surgeries under the WB Government's Swasthya Shathi scheme, with virtually no cost to the patient.
He was the leader of the team who performed the first heart transplantation in Eastern India.

Dr Ray Chaudhury specialises in:
Mini bypass surgery
LIMA:RIMA bypass surgery​
Heart transplantation
Second opinion on angiography
Heart valve replacement

Learn more about his successful career in this exclusive interview with Kabir Sourav.